Find out who you are with these questions about yourself!
Robin Alcedo Overbosch
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Find out who you are with these questions about yourself

Can you honestly answer the following questions about yourself? Beautiful! Then you are well on your way to a happier, richer life.

Self-knowledge is the first step to success. By thinking about who you are and what you want to achieve in life, you're setting yourself up for a wonderful future.

Today, Vertellis is sharing 15 questions to ask yourself so you can get ahead in the journey of self-discovery. Grab a pen and some paper and let's dive in!

Our advice: take time to answer these. No need to answer them all at once. There are no right or wrong answers and you don't have to share them with anyone.

Don't know the answer to a question? No big deal. Think about it calmly at another time.

15 questions about yourself

Sit down, get comfy, and go through this questionnaire with 15 meaningful questions about yourself.

  1. How are you really doing right now?
  2. Knowing what you know now, what would you have done differently or what more could you have done?
  3. What three things give you the most energy?
  4. What’s the best decision you’ve made this year?
  5. What are you most thankful for?
  6. Do you think you had a good childhood? Why or why not?
  7. Do you work to live or live to work?
  8. What do you doubt about yourself?
  9. What was the best advice you ever got?
  10. When was the last time you were proud of yourself?
  11. Who or what inspires you?
  12. What keeps you awake?
  13. What is worse, failure or never having tried?
  14. How do you like to see yourself?
  15. In what way do you want to remain a child forever?
15 questions about yourself

What have you accomplished with this questionnaire about yourself?

Do you feel like you're at a turning point in your life? Then this questionnaire can help. By sitting down and looking yourself in the eye, you can form a good picture of who you really are and what you want.

It's possible these challenging questions about yourself will stir up some emotions. That's okay! It's even welcome, because it makes you grow as a person.

Questions to ask your girlfriend about yourself

When you've answered (some of) the questions listed above, you can take it a step further by answering these questions with your partner!

This way, you get to know each other a little better and go a little deeper in your relationship.

Read the blogs "25 questions to ask your girlfriend" or "25 questions to ask your boyfriend" for even more inspiration and questions to choose from! 

Questions to ask your GF about yourself

Need more inspiration?

With the Vertellis quiz card game you always have a big pile of questions at your disposal. Use the questions for yourself or with your friends and family for a closer relationship. Whether together or alone, there's no better way to reflect on recent times, write down your dreams, and plan for the future..

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