Vertellis Relationship Edition - For all couples
Talk about great memories, dream about the future, and make plans to help these dreams come true...all in a playful, loving way.
Put down your phones and spend valuable time (offline!) together. Experience what giving genuine attention to one another can do for your relationship.
- The #1 question card game for couples
- For ALL types of romantic relationships
- Developed with psychologists and relationship therapists
The Relationship Edition consists of three rounds. Each round includes: ten open questions, three points questions where you can earn points by guessing your partner’s answer, and two assignments (nothing crazy or difficult - just fun!).
The rounds are divided into the three categories:
- Together & Alone ????
- Dreaming & Doing
- Characteristics, Habits & Achievements
Play the whole game from beginning to end. Make this time special! Turn off your phones, pour a nice drink, sit and relax, and work on yourself and your relationship.
Want to connect but don't have a big chunk of time? No problem! When you and your partner have a moment together, simply draw some cards at random. When you're ready to go "all in" you can continue where you left off or start the game from the beginning.

The story behind the Vertellis Relationship Edition
Good communication has been identified as the most important aspect of a strong relationship.
While having a connected conversation may sound simple, in today’s fast-paced world filled with constant technological distractions, having quality conversations is proving to be more difficult than we think.
Vertellis wants to give Cupid - and couples - a helping hand!
With our newest addition, we want to help strengthen your communication with the one you are most intimate with.
In a playful and positive way, you'll discuss fun and challenging subjects -such as dreams, finances, and family - which are all essential parts of a relationship and of life itself!

A personal note
Willem, one of the Vertellis co-founders, and his wife Roxy got together in their sophomore year of college, where they met on the tennis team. After 9 years they're still going strong, but like any relationship, there have been ups and downs along the way. How have they managed to ride the waves?
Communication! Whether it's assembling IKEA furniture or raising their two-year-old son, communication is always front and center in their relationship. At one point, they endured an 18-month stint of being long-distance. During this time, they would send daily emails rehashing how their days went and what they were looking forward to in the future. They learned that asking questions and keeping each other actively involved in their lives was key to going the distance.
Now, they take the Vertellis Relationship Edition everywhere they go - especially on vacations - to get clarity on future goals and talk about things that may be forgotten in day-to-day life. The picture to the right is of them in Italy, practicing what they preach! :)