Body Positivity Affirmations
If you need body positivity affirmations, you’ve come to the right place! At Vertellis, we know the thoughts you have about yourself matter. The way you feel about your body affects how you show up in the world, how you treat yourself, and how you love and connect with others.
If you’re constantly criticizing your figure or not living life to the fullest because of the shame you have around your body—you can change that! With the body affirmations we’re sharing today, you’ll learn how to cultivate a healthier body image and practice body acceptance with simple mantras. The best part? When you begin to love, accept, and respect your body, you actually start to make more life choices that help you feel strong, nourished, and rested.
Check out 35 of our favorite body positivity affirmations below. Pick a few that truly inspire you and begin to work them into your daily routine. You’ll be amazed how quickly your negative thoughts will transform into a positive body image using these affirmations!

50 Affirmations for Body Positivity
If you need a little help to get you started using these body positivity affirmations, pick one or more mantras from the list below and practice saying them to yourself to boost your body image.
- My body is a sacred vessel.
- I appreciate everything my body does for me each day.
- I treat my body with love and respect.
- I am more than my numbers. ( the scale, your pant size, etc. does not define you!)
- I define my own beauty standard.
- I release the need to compare myself to others.
- I commit to listening to my body’s needs.
- Everybody is a bikini body!
- I accept my body as it is today.
- I love my body and all of its uniqueness.
- My body is a gift.
- I enjoy taking care of my body.
- My health is a privilege; I am grateful for it.
- I find joy in moving my body.
- I tend to my body with care and compassion.
- I trust my body.
- I give my body time to rest and heal.
- I tune in to what my body needs.
- I am strong and capable.
- I honor my body with nourishing foods.
- My body is beautiful, just as it is.
- I take care of my body because I matter.
- I advocate for my health.
- I prioritize my health and wellbeing.
- I’m grateful for the nourishing choices I make today.
- I choose to grow older with ease and grace.
- I release all guilt and shame about my body.
- Food is my friend. It nourishes and sustains me.
- I give my body permission to shift and change.
- I choose clothes that make me feel beautiful and fully expressed.
- Any illness does not define me.
- I am empowered to heal my body as best I can.
- My body tells an amazing story.
- I am so happy to be unique!
- I celebrate my body’s changes.
- I am a good person and that is what truly counts.
For even more powerful quotes to help create a positive body image, check out these affirmations for self-love. They will help you accept yourself, find who you are and what you are worth. The most important part of this journey is the part of repeating the mantras and repairing your broken body image using affirmations.
How to use these Daily Mantras
When it comes to using positive body image affirmations, there are no rules. Incorporate them into your life in a way that feels joyful and powerful for you! There is no right or wrong, as long as you make it into a routine. This way, the body positive mantras have time to sink in and make new connections in your brain. It is as simple as trying to steer your thoughts towards positive things. However, if you need a little guidance, here are four ways we love to practice our daily affirmations for body acceptance:
Write them in a journal
At Vertellis, we’re huge advocates of journaling and self-reflection, so it’s no surprise that we love practicing our affirmations through writing. The goal here is repetition. Aim to write your chosen body positivity affirmation for at least 3-5 minutes without stopping. You can use a blank notebook, a guided mindfulness journal like Vertellis Chapters, or even a spare scrap of paper.
P.S. Don’t be overwhelmed by the 3-5 minute timeframe. If that’s too much, start with writing your body image affirmation just 5 times in a row and build from there! Like we said earlier, no right or wrong here. It’s truly about finding what works best for you.
Meditate with a body-positive mantra
Meditation is a powerful tool to reduce stress, anxiety, and depression and can also be used to boost body positivity! Affirmations help cultivate a healthy body image during meditation. To do this, simply turn your positive body image affirmations into a mantra.
Choose one of the body positivity quotes listed above (one that really resonates with you). Then, sit comfortably in a quiet place and close your eyes. Place one hand on your heart and one hand just below your belly button. Begin to focus on your breath and then start silently repeating your mantra. If your mind wanders, simply bring it back to your affirmation!
Most meditation instructors recommend doing this for at least 20 minutes, but again, make it work for you. If you only have 5 minutes, you’ll still get amazing benefits!
Put your affirmations where you can see them
Have you ever gotten a card, call, or text from a loved one just to say “Hey, you’re doing great!”? Doesn’t it make you feel good? Well, guess can create those moments for yourself, too!
Write your body positivity affirmations down on sticky notes and put them around your bedroom, bathroom, closet, office—wherever! You can even be “sneaky” and hide them places (or have a loved one hide them for you) so you’ll randomly come across them when opening a book or reach into the glove compartment of your car.
Coming across these motivational quotes throughout the day will give you a little body image boost and keep your brain in a positive state!
Say your body image affirmations in the mirror
Many affirmationists swear by the power of saying your affirmations out loud in front of a mirror to boost your body image. The aim here is to look yourself straight in the eye and repeat one of your powerful statements for at least 3-5 minutes.
If this feels weird at first, that’s okay. Take a few days to work through the awkwardness! Over time though, this powerful exercise will improve your positive body image by leaps and bounds. The key is to say them consistently and confidently!
Pro tip: To help you feel more grounded during this exercise, try the tips from the meditation above: put one hand on your heart, another just below your belly button. Take your time. There’s no rush here. Even if you only get your affirmation for body positivity out once—that’s still a win!

Use them for a confidence boost
Trying on swimsuits for summer? About to walk into a first date? Getting dressed in the morning before a big meeting? All of these are great times to use your body acceptance affirmations. A positive body image is highly correlated with confidence, so use these powerful declarations to give yourself a boost of self-determination and assurance whenever you need it!
You can say your chosen affirmation out loud or silently to yourself. It only takes once to give yourself a little dose of encouragement. Want even more confidence boosters? Try some of these confidence affirmations for a little lift.
Root your statements in truth
The main reason people give up on practicing body positivity affirmations is that they feel like they’re lying to themselves...which they may very well be! Listen, there is NO shame in having a less-than-stellar body image. Affirmations can help with that! We all have been bombarded with images portraying very specific and unrealistic beauty standards for our entire lives. It can take time to shift your perspective and begin to think more positively about your figure.
Therefore, when you begin to make body image affirmations a daily habit, be sure to root your statements in truth. This may mean changing the wording of your declarations so that they feel true to you.
Re-wording your affirmations
Meet yourself where you’re at. Let’s say that “I release all guilt and shame about my body” isn’t believable for you. Try one of these instead:
- “I am willing to release all guilt and shame about my body.”
- “I am learning to release all guilt and shame about my body.”
- “I am taking steps to release all guilt and shame about my body.”
See the difference? Even if you haven’t completely released all guilt and shame about your body at this time, just by doing this exercise, you are willing, learning, and taking steps toward this goal—and that’s great!
Maybe one day you’ll drop the additional phrases and simply say “I release all guilt and shame about my body”, but there is no rush to do this. Cultivating a positive body image using these mantras is a process!
Share your body positivity affirmations with friends & family
The best way to truly make sure your body image affirmations become a habit is to get your friends and family on board! Share this post with them, or if they want affirmations that address other aspects of their lives, check out these positive affirmations for men or positive affirmations for women.
However you decide to move forward, always remember—this is your journey. Have fun with it! Play with the various tips and tricks above, but we also encourage you to do whatever you’d like with these body positivity affirmations.
Talk about great memories, dream about the future, and make plans to help these dreams come true...all in a playful, loving way.